Preferring to join a project at the earliest phases of concept, Inovus successfully encapsulates our client's mission statement, objectives, and target market, and express the brand through visual aestheticsPROGRAMMING
Develop an early understanding of the physical and emotional expectations of the projectSPACE PLANNING
Identify adjacencies and desired flow of the space; present Client with options to test the programINVENTORY
Acquire dimensions and visual documentation for all existing FF&E and determine reusabilitySCHEMATIC DESIGN
Create the conceptual design presented to Client through furniture, finish materials, lighting, and drawings and sketchesDESIGN DEVELOPMENT
Develop the selected concept and drawings including CAD plans, elevations, and drawings to communicate design intentCONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS
Coordinate Architectural Construction Documents with Architect and Sub-contractorsCOST COORDINATION
Coordinate with General Contractor to achieve construction costs and value engineeringPROJECT MANAGEMENT
Respond to RFI's, review submittals, and attend job site meetingsPROCUREMENT + INSTALLATION
Select, specify, and procure, track, warehouse, install, and stage FF&E